He is no longer a boy....

Saturday, April 16, 2011 3:45 AM Posted by Black Scorpion
This morning, when I came to work, I saw this following post by my friend Imran Anwar:

The website's reference is on the image as well if you want  to see more interesting stuff there.

Initially, I laughed when I saw it but then, I couldn't really stop thinking about it. When one thinks about one's own aging, we hardly ever realize the true extent of the changes that we have undergone personality wise. We always like to believe that we haven't changed much or if we have changed that is only for the better and not the worse.We do always feel bad about the bad habits that we pick up along the way regarding our bodies though.. like not getting enough exercise, eating junk food etc. We never fail to notice our receding hair line, our bulging love handles, increasing lines around our eyes but we tend to treat ourselves sympathetically in terms of our personality changes.

It only hits us hard when we catch ourselves being extra stern with someone,or when we realize how we can no longer take things as lightly as we did earlier in life and be more responsible. That is generally the time when we reflect upon our behavior and resolute to bring about some changes in us. We try hard to in-cooperate them but along the way of in co-operating them we pick up habit and personality changes that we woudl ideally not want with us.

Change is inevitable and same goes for our personalities. As the only constant in our lives is change. As I look around me, sweet baby cousin of mine is now a stubborn young kid, my stubborn young kid brother is now a confident yet introvert young man, a nervous young man who was beaten up fro all his idea is now a strong confident man with idea that even news papers want to print. We grow and along the way we see people we love grow with us. Some growing from better to worse, some from worse to great and us.. well.. us and me is never too bad is it? :)

Growing up and growing old is a journey that we have all embarked upon together, whether we like it or not. But I think we like the together part and some parts of growing up or growing old we like, some we don't but its all part of the package I suppose. Worse of all though is the people that we say good bye to along the way. Whose journey comes to an end or an abrupt end. Specially whose journey come to an abrupt end, accidents happens all the time, but when they happen to the people we love then its not just another news for us. This is life and it stops for no one.

However, there is also good news  when we welcome some one in our lives, may be it a new born baby, new lover, accidental new friend, great teacher,  good boss or just a passer by who was nice to us.

Make every breath count and live your life like it deserves to be lived!

peace out!

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