Maat - A lost cause

Friday, November 4, 2011 1:40 AM Posted by Black Scorpion 0 comments
Hum TV has played a big role in the revival of TV dramas. It has been showing high entertainment value dramas which are well written, acted and directed.

Now a days, TV Drama serial MAAT is being aired. It has been directed by Amna Nawaz Khan and written by Umera Ahmed. It is an extremely well directed play and all the actors have been utilized to their full potential. the story is great and has a good twists. However, one of the crucial mistake that has been made is that the title track's video gives away the whole story. It is also aired at the beginning of every episode. One of the main ingredients for the success of any play/movie etc is the element of suspense or surprise for the viewers. That keeps them hooked to the television and keep em asking for more. That element of surprise is lost by the title track's video. The idea of the promo is to generate the interest of the viewer by providing enough information without giving away the story. The promo here fails to do that. For example, the wedding night scene is shown between the two main characters of the play. That is the main twist of the story which is given away from the very first episode because of the title track's video.

I would still recommend the stakeholders to edit that video to save the rest of the episodes which still remain to be aired.

Labor of love!

I am amazed how women say that they did not scream at all. I just don't understand! I, perhaps, as I must accept it now.. am WEAK. Screamed my heart out when the contractions truly took their toll. Nurses from the neighboring room came in to inquire if every thing was ok. Labor room should be sound proof. At the height of pain I screamed, "Get it out of me!!" "Kia bakwas hai!" etc etc. The worse part of being in labor pain is that you realize, it too late to go back. You curse the day you burned in the heat of passion. Though you want the consequence of that but the journey to it is quite hard. You are stuck in the middle at that moment and you realize that the only way to go now, is forward. The dilation would continue and the contractions would only get worse and all you can do is scream. I rose from my bed and pushed the bottom of the bed edge so hard at every contraction that I felt that it will break any time. There is nothing you can do except be happy when the contraction ends, dread that the next one will come any moment and ofcourse endure the excruciating pain while the contraction lasts. 

As smart as I am, I had already decided to take epidural which they finally gave to me when the contractions were half a minute apart. Then my doctor came and said that I shouldn't have had it, as now.. how would I feel the urge to push if I am not in pain. Then she made a statement that I would always remember.. "Birthing is not easy, it requires a lot of hard work, that is why it is called LABOR". Going through the whole process myself truly made me understand that statement. All my life, I casually referred to the birthing process as labor and now I realized there is nothing casual about it, it is but true labor. After the epidural, it was a very smooth sail. The doc said push! and I pushed the kid out with a pop! he flew out and the resident doc had to catch him before he fell. In a sec, my bundle of joy was out. The most beautiful creature that I ever saw in my entire life.

JEE HAAN.. meri literally phat gaye thi! but as they all say.. my labor of love was worth it for the bundle of joy that I got in return.

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