Be Free!

Monday, June 29, 2009 3:23 AM Posted by Black Scorpion
Have you ever felt that you are a prisoner of your own self made prison?

I feel that all the time. That I, The Black Scorpion, in my sound mind and healthy body, accept, that I am, my very own prisoner.

A lot of times, it’s not our society, our religion or our parents who are stopping us to do some thing. It’s just our very own brain which defines our limitations. All of us have our preconceived notions of what we think we are able and not able to do. A lot times, we do not attempt or try some thing, just because we think we cannot.

That is, our prison!

That is what we all need to break free from!

Our brain limits us and confines us into our self fabricated imaginary walls. These walls can be made of many things; our fears, our laziness, our circumstances,… anything!

We are scared! We are scared of change, we are scared to work hard, we are scared to just let ourselves go free and plunge into some thing. Its not that we do not long for freedom… freedom to do some thing that we always wanted to. It’s just that we are not willing to open the door and walk out of the walls that we created ourselves.

How can we do that? Well.. from my very own "vast experience", its just a matter of forgetting all “what ifs” and taking the “First Step”. That’s what it all takes. Take the first step and you will be pulled further by your passion for the rest of the way to achieve that thing.


1 Response to "Be Free!"

  1. Bilal Says:

    I just feel that it's essentially 'our society, our religion and our parents' that end up creating the prison inside our heads. I can't really think of any non-external reasons for this kinda prison unless one is mentally ill :p However I agree to the point that it's only you who has to take a step out of that prison instead of hoping the walls to break all by themselves.

    I'd really like to hear out a few stories from your 'vast experience' of how to pull out of this prison though.

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