Agassi <- From legend to lies

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 9:32 PM Posted by Black Scorpion

"Eight-times grand slam winner Andre Agassi left the tennis world in a state of shock on Wednesday when he admitted using the recreational drug crystal meth and lying to men's governing body the ATP to escape a ban."

One cannot deny his greatness as a tennis player inspite of the drug issue that he has claimed to in his biography, for he won three to four title before becoming a druggie and also if only drugs would have made you a good player then all the addicts out there would have been outstanding in sports.

For such a legend, who is idealized by millions, such statements on his experience of drugs could lead tons to follow his path in pursuit to become the sad clown he himself has emerged into by this revelation to the world, "There is a moment of regret, followed by vast sadness. Then comes a tidal wave of euphoria that sweeps away every negative thought in my head. I've never felt so alive, so hopeful -- and I've never felt such energy."

....but as he himself says, "I wore my heart on my sleeve and my emotions were always written on my face. I was actually excited about telling the world the whole story."

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1 Response to "Agassi <- From legend to lies"

  1. Nasreen Says:

    Its astounding to hear things like this but undoubtedly Agassi is one of the best tennis players produced in the world!

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